Startup Talks

StartUp Talks will be held once a month to bring together the entrepreneurial ecosystem, share opinions and debate. With this initiative, La Fábrica de Sevilla focuses its efforts on promoting networking and synergies between entrepreneurs, training young people and including them in this ecosystem and creating a global focus on the sector.

During this event, where we held panels with successful entrepreneurs who have already become references, we discussed different topics related to entrepreneurship.

We also provide visibility to startups in development by giving them the opportunity to make a pitch where they explain their project.

Once a month
All audiences

Startup Talks Events

October 2023
Oct 23
23 October 2023
Sede La Fábrica de Sevilla, P.º Alcalde Marqués del Contadero, s/n, 41001 Sevilla
Sevilla, Sevilla 41001 España

On Monday 23rd October we will be hosting this month's Startup Talk with Juan de Antonio, founder and CEO of Cabify. The event will start at 17:30h and will take […]

September 2023
Sep 21
21 September 2023
Sede La Fábrica de Sevilla, P.º Alcalde Marqués del Contadero, s/n, 41001 Sevilla
Sevilla, Sevilla 41001 España

At La Fábrica de Sevilla, the startup house of the city, we are committed to boosting and promoting technological entrepreneurship with global ambition. This event is a unique opportunity to […]

June 2023
Jun 21
21 June 2023
Sede La Fábrica de Sevilla, P.º Alcalde Marqués del Contadero, s/n, 41001 Sevilla
Sevilla, Sevilla 41001 España

On June 21st this month's Startup Talk was held with Alberto Asuero and Héctor García, founders of Geographica, sold to CARTO, who talked about how to choose the right partners […]

May 2023
May 25
25 May 2023
Sede La Fábrica de Sevilla, P.º Alcalde Marqués del Contadero, s/n, 41001 Sevilla
Sevilla, Sevilla 41001 España

Last Thursday 25th of May we celebrated the Startup Talk of the month, this time we had some special guests, women entrepreneurs from all over Europe participated in this Startup […]

April 2023
Apr 19
19 April 2023
Sede La Fábrica de Sevilla, P.º Alcalde Marqués del Contadero, s/n, 41001 Sevilla
Sevilla, Sevilla 41001 España

In April we celebrated another edition of the Startup Talks, this time we had Curro Rueda, CEO and Co-Founder of VIVA Games Studios. The agenda for this event was as […]

March 2023
Mar 16
16 March 2023
Sede La Fábrica de Sevilla, P.º Alcalde Marqués del Contadero, s/n, 41001 Sevilla
Sevilla, Sevilla 41001 España

We have already prepared the next Startup Talk! Next Thursday 16th March we will meet once again at the headquarters of La Fábrica in Seville to share, on this occasion, […]

February 2023
Feb 21
21 February 2023
Sede La Fábrica de Sevilla, P.º Alcalde Marqués del Contadero, s/n, 41001 Sevilla
Sevilla, Sevilla 41001 España

StartUp Talk with CoverManager We have a date for the next StartUp Talk, next Tuesday 21st of February will take place this event for all the entrepreneurial ecosystem of the […]

December 2022
Dec 14
14 December 2022
Torre Sevilla, Edificio Torre Sevilla, Planta 18. Plaza Alcalde Alfredo Sánchez Monteseirín
Sevilla, Sevilla 41092 Hemos organizado una mesa redonda en la que trataremos un tema vital para todas las StartUps "Cómo conseguir financiación en etapas iniciales”. El evento tendrá lugar el próximo 14 […]

November 2022
Nov 17
17 November 2022
Oficina de Turismo de Sevilla, P.º Alcalde Marqués del Contadero, s/n, 41001 Sevilla
Sevilla, Sevilla España Una vez al mes tendremos una tarde imprescindible para reunirnos, escuchar a expertos, debatir, conocernos, disfrutar y crecer juntos. Con la siguiente programación: Presentación de la FábricaPresentación de StartUp […]
