Post: Talento Pro Welcome and Presentation Ceremony

On the 20th of October took place the Welcome and Presentation of Talento Pro, a programme to attract talented students in the province of Seville. These are students who have finished the Bachillerato in public and private educational centres in Seville during the 2021-22 academic year, and who have finished this stage with the best record in their educational centre. The profile is made up of 94 18-year-olds selected by the centres, with an average Selectividad mark of 13 points.

The Mayor of Seville led the event offering a message of encouragement and recognition of the effort and talent of these young people, after which Ramón Bullón, Director of the programme, gave a speech on the importance of the training itineraries and the development of transversal competencies for their insertion into the world of work. In addition, all the Talents, who attended the event with their families and representatives of their schools, received recognition from the Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation of Seville.

During their years of university training, these students will be accompanied by an agenda of professional activities in the fields of Digital Skills and New Technologies, Business and Entrepreneurship, Global Vision, Communication and Marketing, Awareness, Inspiration and Motivation, and People and Talent Management at ‘La Fábrica de Sevilla’.

The aim is to promote polyvalent professional and personal development, with an open vision of learning content, where it is possible to mix humanities and technology, literature with business strategy, psychology and robotics, etc. Con esto se consigue potenciar la capacidad innovadora de estos jóvenes a través del desarrollo del pensamiento y con mucha focalización hacia la capacidad emprendedora. In summary, it is a philosophy based above all on startups.
